Monday, November 21, 2011

Shriner's Circus...

November 21, 2011...Grammy took Mommy, Jack, and me to the Shriner's Circus today.  I loved every minute of it...including the cotton candy and french fries.  Thanks for an awesome afternoon, Grammy!

The dancers...

2 guys were in motorcycles in this big ball-shaped cage...
Loved watching these beautiful dogs jumping over the bar...

I was in awe of everything!
Shriner guy...he was huge!

Spinning lady with glitter...

Bikes on the tightrope...

Not sure what to think about all the clowns...Holding on tight to the purple koala I picked out here at the circus.

These monkeys were really funny.  We were all cracking up!

The moment I was waiting for...the elephants!!!  I love elephants!!!

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