Monday, December 29, 2008

Rolling Around VIDEO

December 28, 2008...Here I am trying to roll over from my back to my belly...

Meeting Gigi...

December 26, 2008...I finally got to meet my Gigi (Great Grandmother) today! I met her at my Great Aunt Lori & Great Uncle Rob's house. I also got to see my cousins, Lindsey and Kathryn, and Kathryn's fiancee, Richard. I spent most of my time in Gigi's arms...

Here are several pictures with Gigi...

Checking out Uncle Rob...
With Lindsey, Jack, & Daddy...
December 29, 2008...Aunt Lori, Gigi, and Lindsey came to
my house for a visit and lunch. Here I am with Aunt Lori...

Thursday, December 25, 2008

My First Christmas...

December 25, 2008...I celebrated my first Christmas today! I basically just watched everything going on around me and was held most of the day. I got some presents, too. I got some new books, toys, clothes, and a wipe warmer. It was a fun day.

Here I am with one of my new toys.

Just arrived at Grammy & Grandpa's...

Snuggling up to Grammy...
Daddy loves me...
Daddy, Mommy & me...Uncle Matt & me...
Grandpa makes me smile...
Having fun!!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Talking/Blowing Bubbles VIDEO...

December 21, 2008...I can make a new sound...

More December Pics...

December 21, 2008...Say cheese! December 19, 2008...Photo shoot at home...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I'm Three Months Old!!!

December 17, 2008...I turned 3 months old today! I am a very happy, smiley baby. I love to be talked to and held. I enjoy listening to books and am even starting to try to turn the pages. I like playing on my playmat. I am a good eater but not a great sleeper. I like to take baths with my big brother, Jack. I can giggle and almost roll over from my back to my belly. If you smile at me, I will definitely smile back at you. Sometimes I like my paci. I like to sleep on my side. I'm getting so big!!!

Here's a video of me, too!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

December 14-16, 2008...

December 16, 2008...Sometimes I look like my
mommy when she was a baby...Chillin' with Daddy...

December 14, 2008...Getting some love from Jack...
At the park...
Cutie pie...

Saturday, December 13, 2008

My First Parade...

December 13, 2008...I went to my first Christmas parade today with Daddy, Mommy, & Jack. I slept for most of it in my car seat. I did wake up to watch the end of the parade. There was so much to see!!!

Daddy, Jack, & me (I'm in the stroller behind Jack)...

Mommy, Jack, & me...

Here comes Santa Claus!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Color of my Eyes...

December 11, 2008...If you are wondering what color my eyes are, they are the color of the stripes on this outfit, kind of a dark blue. This was my cousin Charlie's outfit, and he and Jack had matching ones. Mommy had to get a picture of me in it, too.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Card Photo Take Two...

December 10, 2008...I am 12 weeks old today!!!!
Here is Mommy's second & final attempt at our Christmas card photo.

Here's the photo she chose...

Cute, but we're sliding out of our chair...

She liked this one a lot, too...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

First Giggles...

December 9, 2008...Mommy caught some of my first giggles on video. Grandpa heard me giggling on his birthday, November 20. Today was Mommy's first time to hear me laugh.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Christmas Card Photo Take One...

December 5, 2008...Mommy's first attempt at our Christmas card photo. Unfortunately, the pictures came out a litte blurry, but very cute, because she had the camera on the wrong setting.

Mommy loves this picture...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

December 1-4, 2008

December 4, 2008...On our way home from a picnic
at the park. I'll have my lunch when I get home.
December 3, 2008...I'm 11 weeks old now!
Here I am checking out our Christmas tree.
I love the lights!!!!!!
I'm usually very alert...
December 2, 2008...Such a big boy now!
I'm like listening to stories, just like Jack.
I'm learning how to turn the pages...
Tummy time!!!!!

December 1, 2008...Just playing on my playmat...