Monday, November 30, 2009

My First (Real) Time in NYC...

November 25-30, 2009...I got to go to the Big Apple, NYC, for Thanksgiving this year. The last time I was in New York City, I was in my mommy's belly! This time it was much more exciting, so many more things to see. We stayed with Auntie Jo Jo, Uncle Mike, Charlie & Crosby. Grammy, Grandpa, Uncle Matt, Uncle Mark, and Aunt Kathy met us up there, too. We had such a great time. I especially enjoyed chasing and following Jack and Charlie all over the apartment and playing with Uncle Matt.

November 25, 2009...Here I am on the airplane...
November 26, 2009... Thanksgiving Day with
Grammy & Grandpa! Happy Birthday, Grammy!!!
On the subway with Daddy...
In the park with Daddy, Mommy, & Jack...
Playing with my cousin, Crosby. She'll be one in January!
November 27, 2009...
I love riding around on Charlie's Leapfrog Choo-Choo...Riding with Charlie...
In Grand Central Station with Jack, Mommy, Daddy,
Aunt Kathy, & Uncle Mark...
In front of Rockefeller Center...Iceskating looks like fun!
November 28, 2009...Getting warmed up at Whole Foods...
Playing with Uncle Matt again...
November 29, 2009...At Santa Land inside Macy's!!!
Holding hands with Jack & Charlie...
With Uncle Matt in Santa Land....
With Santa, Jack, Uncle Matt, & Charlie...
With Santa & my cousins...
In Times Square...
With my cousin, Crosby...
Crosby likes to grab me...
...but she better watch out!!!
I also really liked climbing into Charlie's bed!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Having Fun...

November 23-24, 2009...I love to have a good time! I am typically very happy, and I am always getting into things! Here I am with my toothbrush, my new favorite thing, standing on Jack's stool. In the next picture, I am wearing Jack's Indian feathers from school. I went to Jack's school for a Thanksgiving party today, and I got to have a muffin and hear him sing a turkey song.

In feathers...with my muffin...

Friday, November 20, 2009

Tooth #5!

November 20, 2009...Tooth news! My upper left central incisor has finally broken through today! Maybe I won't be such a snaggletooth any more. I now have five teeth!!! Also, today is Grandpa's Birthday! Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Basketball VIDEO...

November 14, 2009...I forgot to mention that I can play basketball, too!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I'm Fourteen Months Old!!!

November 17, 2009...I am now 14 months old! Time is flying, and I am growing so much. I am very happy and smiley most of the time. I have the cutest personality. I love to wave to everyone. I can clap, give kisses, and follow simple directions. I am talking and babbling a lot...I can say "cracker, baby, uh-oh, mama, dada, jack, go, wa-wa (water), bye-bye, shoes, night-night, bath, cheese stick, Grandpa, cup, yum-yum, and good." I love to see flowers...outside and around the house - on plates and books and wherever else I spot them. I am very busy, too. I am constantly walking around and getting into EVERYTHING!!!!!! Mommy says Jack never did half of the things I like to do. I like to open cabinets, get into the toilets, pull out the toilet paper, open drawers, get into the recycling and trash cans, pull things out of the dishwasher, throw my food off the high chair onto the floor, play with the blinds in the kitchen, get into the refridgerator, put things in the bathtub (while I'm not taking a bath), get into all of Jack's most favorite toys, pull every book out of my basket of books, pull books off Jack's bookshelf, turn on Jack's CD player and get his nightlight, throw things through the gate upstairs and watch them fall downstairs, climb on Daddy & Mommy's printer, climb on step stools and the stairs, and especially get into Mommy's purse. I'm very curious! I'm very good at walking and can get everywhere. I still have 4 teeth. Everyone calls me "Snaggletooth" because I have an open spot between two teeth...where I am waiting for one of my big top teeth to come in. I love to eat shredded pork and chicken, string cheese, granola bars, black beans, peas, bread with peanut butter or hummus, smoothies, and yogurt. I make the biggest mess when I eat...getting food in my hair, all over my face, and all over the floor. It is a sight to see! My favorite songs are "Acka Backa Soda Cracker", "A is for Alligator", "The Backyardigans Theme Song" and "A You're Adorable." My favorite books are Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See?; Guess Who, Elmo; Thomas the Tank Engine book that plays four songs and has pop-up pictures (which I've destroyed); A You're Adorable; Little Ladybug; Feely Bugs; This is the Way we Take a Bath; and Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What do you Hear? I love going to the library & going to Rhyme Time; reading books with Mommy; hugging my blankie; chasing Jack around; playing with Jack; seeing Daddy when he gets home from work; going for walks in the Baby Bjorn with Daddy; getting into everything; playing with Grammy & Grandpa; going for walks in the stroller; getting "squeezes" (hugs) from Mommy; giving kisses; and exploring. :)

VIDEOS...I'm getting so big! Watch what I can do...
I can walk...

I can play soccer...

I can play baseball...

and I can mow the lawn!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Curious or Mischievous? and VIDEO

November 16, 2009...I got up before Jack today, and guess what I found? All of his "Cars" forklifts!!! He never lets me play with them. I am happy to get ahold of them right now.
I wouldn't even put them down to eat my breakfast!
I'm innocent!!!
Once I decided I was hungry, I climbed right into the fridge!

VIDEO of me at/in the refridgerator...

Sunday, November 15, 2009


November 15, 2009...We just woke up!

November 10, 2009...My big brother, Jack, & me...

Monday, November 9, 2009


November 9, 2009...
Here I am in front of our camellia bush....


Just me...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Wagon VIDEO...

November 5, 2009...I am getting the royal treatment. Jack is pulling me in the wagon, and I'm just sitting back and enjoying his apple juice box.

More Time Outside...

November 4-5, 2009...The fall weather has been gorgeous. I've been playing outside, going to the park, and checking out all the pretty leaves. Jack & I have lots of fun together.

I Love Playing in the Bathtub!

November 5, 2009...I love playing in the bathtub. I especially love splashing and standing up in there (which drives Mommy crazy)! I also like to fill my cup up with water and try to drink it.